Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Now I am supposed to format this thing so it looks different from everyone else's blog?

so ..

The second to last thing I need is another web page—the very last thing I need is a blog—but since I don't know php I have no other way to hear from 0thers.

If you're here and you've seen my weird photographs and you have any tips, suggestions, constructive criticism—please note use of adjective: constructive—or thoughts, please post a comment.

Well I think that's about it.


Catnapping said...

what's 'php?'

gap said...

Php definitions can be found here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&oi=defmore&defl=en&q=define:PHP

Knowing the language would make it possible for any of us to build our own forums, rather than rely on pre-made ones.

Catnapping said...

cool. thanks. i've bookmarked a couple and c/p one in particular.

it's mostly above my head, but every little bit i can learn...


Catnapping said...

omg. i misread your post to me. I thought you said "garBage," not "garAGE." lol
I don't even think of the fray when I'm posting on my blog. I didn't even think of that narrative. It is posted on myethercat site.

gap said...

I look forward to more on sacramento, whenever you get around to it. I grew up there, partially. So it speaks.

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